
Support your Nippon LOVE!

We will deliver “Nippon LOVE” to you all over the world from Shibuya in Tokyo

We call you “Shin Nippon-jin”

It seems that many people around the world today, have decided to learn Japanese from their interest in Japanese anime, manga, games, pop-culture, and YouTube. Frequent tourists to Japan usually have their own favorite restaurants and shops. There seems to be an increasing number of tourists who enjoy Japanese culture (such as entertainment and food) even more than some actual Japanese people. With the COVID-19 situation settling down, travel around the world is slowly returning to its pre-COVID-19 state. Thankfully, we are able to see many tourists in Japan again. And for the enthusiastic fans of Japan, it has become possible to enjoy the experiences in Japan again. “Tokyo Kid Box” is an experience-based online store service that packs Japanese products and foods in a box, so that you, who knows Japan well, can have a ‘Japan experience’ at home as well. We would love to support these Shin Nippon-jin who are very passionate about Japan.