Tokyo Kid Blog

Setagaya City: Hanegi Plum festival and Gotokuji Temple

Setagaya City: Hanegi Plum festival and Gotokuj...

Setagaya City might not be one of the most popular places in Tokyo, but it has it's own amount of incredible places. Hanegi Park is at a 20 min ride...

Setagaya City: Hanegi Plum festival and Gotokuj...

Setagaya City might not be one of the most popular places in Tokyo, but it has it's own amount of incredible places. Hanegi Park is at a 20 min ride...

First try of Sukiyaki

First try of Sukiyaki

Sukiyaki is a famous Japanese dish served in a shallow iron hot pot with premium wagyu beef in sweet flavour but I had never tried it before. Therefore, this year...

First try of Sukiyaki

Sukiyaki is a famous Japanese dish served in a shallow iron hot pot with premium wagyu beef in sweet flavour but I had never tried it before. Therefore, this year...

Training in Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center

Training in Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center

Due to geological reason, Japan is prone to earthquakes. I would like extend my deepest sympathies to all those affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and I also feel...

Training in Ikebukuro Life Safety Learning Center

Due to geological reason, Japan is prone to earthquakes. I would like extend my deepest sympathies to all those affected by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake and I also feel...

Hatsumode 2024

Hatsumode 2024

Hatsumode is the first shrine or temple visit mainly during the first three days of the new year. People give thanks for the previous year and ask for good fortune...

Hatsumode 2024

Hatsumode is the first shrine or temple visit mainly during the first three days of the new year. People give thanks for the previous year and ask for good fortune...

New Years in Japan

New Years in Japan

New Years in Japan is a time spent with family, contrary to America where we either spend it with friends or going to New York City to see the ball...

New Years in Japan

New Years in Japan is a time spent with family, contrary to America where we either spend it with friends or going to New York City to see the ball...

A modern vibrant city: Yokohama

A modern vibrant city: Yokohama

Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan by population and the largest port city which was opened to international trade in 1859. I spent a day there mainly in...

A modern vibrant city: Yokohama

Yokohama is the second largest city in Japan by population and the largest port city which was opened to international trade in 1859. I spent a day there mainly in...